Our Vision
New Zealand where everyone feels safe.
Our mission
In partnership with others, we prevent crime and reduce harm through the active presence of trained patrollers.

What is a Community Patrol?

Volunteers working together
A community patrol is a voluntary group of people giving some of their time and taking responsibility within their own community to help the Police make their community a safer environment in which to live. Any citizen who has a caring attitude for their community may offer their services.

With links to councils and organisations
Community patrols may have links to local Councils and organisations sharing a similar interest in community safety but it is important community patrols remain autonomous and are managed by a committee of their members. Members meet regularly for training and to discuss issues and opportunities.

Supporting the local community with pride
Local patrols are encouraged to affiliate with Community Patrols of New Zealand. A condition of affiliation to Community Patrols of New Zealand is that the patrol has the support and confidence of the Police and has a Police Liaison officer allocated to work with it.
Community Patrollers act as
‘eyes and ears’ for Police
Patrolling their community in pairs, Patrollers note anything that could be suspicious and inform police immediately of incidents requiring urgent attention. Patrollers usually patrol twice a month.
Applicants are vetted by the Police before becoming patrol members and must complete a period of training (usually three months) where they work with senior Patrollers.
Police notify the patrol of trouble spots they would like the patrol to keep an eye on, as well as informing the patrol of events occurring in the area. Each member must sign a Declaration of Confidentiality and agree to abide by a Code of Conduct before working with the patrol.

A brief history lesson
Community Patrols of New Zealand was formed in 2001 to establish and promote a collaborative working relationship with Police and provide resources, support and guidance to affiliated local community patrol groups. A memorandum of understanding was originally signed with Police in 2002 and renewed in 2006, 2012 and 2020.

© 2023
All rights reserved, Eastern Bays Community Patrol and caleb.nz.
We are a registered charity, CC31245.
We welcome anyone in the community that wishes to help us.
See our patroller page to register to volunteer.